Regional Plastic Surgery Center and Spa

Vectra 3D Imaging

Do you wonder what you would look like with bigger breasts? Would you like to see simulated, three-dimensional results before you schedule breast surgery?

If so, make an appointment with the Dallas plastic surgeons at Regional Plastic Surgery Center to try the new Vectra 3D imaging system with Breast Sculptor software. Using three-dimensional images of your body and models of different-sized breast implants, the Vectra system produces high-resolution simulations of the likely outcome of breast augmentation surgery.
Featured on the popular television show “The Doctors,” the Vectra 3D imaging system is a valuable resource during surgical consultations. It can give you a realistic preview of what you will look like with larger breasts. This technology is a more convenient alternative to stuffing your bra with tissues or simply guessing what size implants might look good on you.

One of the most important considerations a woman has about breast augmentation surgery is what size implants will look best on her body. It would be a shame to look back on the breast surgery experience and wish you had chosen bigger or smaller implants. Breast Sculptor software eliminates this possibility by making it simple to visually compare different-sized implants on your body.

vectra-imagingThe intuitively-designed interface of the Breast Sculptor software allows our Dallas breast augmentation surgeons to produce images of the likely surgical outcome from multiple angles and view them on a screen set up in the consultation room. We can compare the results using several different sizes of implants and simultaneously review them. For example, if you currently wear an A-cup bra, the Vectra 3D imaging system allows us to produce simulations of your figure with B-cup, C-cup and D-cup sized breasts. These images can be compared side-by-side, or superimposed on your pre-op photos to determine the best size implants for your aesthetic objectives and anatomy.

How does the Vectra 3D imaging system work?

vectra-3d-01Three-dimensional images of the breasts are created with photographs taken by the Vectra camera. Then, our surgeons select the specific parameters, adjusting the type (saline or silicone), size, texture and even brand of implants. The imaging system identifies any asymmetry in the breasts and show existing difference in volume between the breasts.

The program can also produce images of the likely outcome of a breast lift with augmentation. Our surgeons can compare the outcome of breast augmentation with or without a lift, helping you pick the treatment that is best for your needs.

Breast Sculptor technology enhances the conversation between you and our board-certified plastic surgery team. The greater the communication, the more likely it is that you will be happy with your breast augmentation outcome.

Contact Us for a Consultation

If you are interested in what your body would look like with breast implants, contact Regional Plastic Surgery Center today to schedule your personal consultation. Our breast augmentation surgeons are talented breast lift and breast reduction providers. Liposuction and tummy tuck patients also trust our surgeons’ surgical experience and clinical judgment.

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