Regional Plastic Surgery Center and Spa

Breast Lift with Augmentation

A breast lift combined with the addition of breast implants is called a breast augmentation mastopexy (BAM). This procedure can be ideal for women who have experienced significant changes in the appearance of their breasts and would like to regain a more youthful bustline. Aging, pregnancy, and weight fluctuations can cause the breasts to gradually droop and lose shape, and with a breast augmentation mastopexy, breast fullness and elevation can be restored. Our plastic surgeons are skilled in all types of cosmetic and reconstructive breast surgery and can customize BAM to address each patient’s unique concerns and aesthetic goals.

Breast Lift with Augmentation Surgery

A breast lift with augmentation can involve a variety of techniques or breast implant types depending upon the condition of the breasts and the look the patient wants to achieve. The benefits of undergoing the procedure can include:

  • Elevation of the breast and nipple position
  • Removal of excess skin
  • Improvement in breast shape
  • Increase in breast volume
  • Added firmness
  • Reduction or reshaping of the nipple
  • Improvement in breast symmetry

Breast Lift with Augmentation Consultation

A consultation with one of our plastic surgeons is the first step toward rejuvenating the appearance of your breasts. During this appointment, you will have the opportunity to discuss your cosmetic concerns with your surgeon and learn more about the breast lift approach and breast implants that can achieve your desired look. There are many different types, shapes, and sizes of breast implants to choose from, and your surgeon can suggest choices that may deliver optimal results.

Evaluation of the Breasts

During your consultation, your plastic surgeon will perform a thorough evaluation of your breasts. He will assess the current shape of each breast and the degree of skin elasticity you have to determine which techniques are most appropriate for achieving your goals. He will also analyze which size implants your breasts can likely accommodate and give you a range of implant measurements to consider. It may also be appropriate to discuss any future plans for childbearing or weight loss, which could affect the quality of your results down the line. Our Vectra® 3D Imaging system can help you visualize and consider the outcome of a breast lift with or without implants.

Your Breast Lift with Augmentation Treatment Plan

Using the information discussed during your consultation and the results of your examination, your plastic surgeon will begin developing a highly customized surgical plan. The incisions and breast implant positioning will all be determined by your lifestyle, breast characteristics, breast implant choices, and desired outcome.

The Breast Lift with Augmentation Procedure

Breast lift with augmentation is typically performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia. The surgery begins with the breast augmentation portion of the procedure. For the majority of patients, breast implants are placed below the muscle to create natural-looking results that are long-lasting. Once the breast implants are placed, excess skin is removed and the breast is reshaped around the new breast mound. If necessary, the nipple is reshaped and/or repositioned to achieve comprehensive rejuvenation. When the incisions are closed, the breasts are bandaged and wrapped.

Recovery After Breast Lift with Augmentation

Swelling, soreness, and bruising are common after BAM and should fade as you heal. Within about a week, many patients are able to return to work and most activities that are not physically demanding. Avoiding strenuous activity and exercise is recommended for at least a few weeks after surgery; however, because each patient is different, your plastic surgeon will inform you of your expected healing timeline during your follow-up appointments.

Results of Breast Lift with Augmentation

Breast augmentation mastopexy allows many of our female patients to regain their youthful feminine curves and breast fullness. Achieving a balanced, proportionate figure and shapelier breasts gives many women renewed confidence they carry into their everyday life.

If you are interested in learning more about breast lift with augmentation, we encourage you to contact our practice to schedule a consultation with one of our plastic surgeons.

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